Income from bonds, though positive, was lower than in previous years, but this was more than offset by gains in equity holdings. 年来自债券的收入虽有增长,但却较往年逊色,不过股票方面录得理想收益,抵销了有关的减幅。
Fixed income securities or bonds that are callable may be priced to their yield to call. 固定收益证券或债券,可赎回的价格可能调用的产量。
With corporate bonds, an investor can opt for a lower risk exposure than with equities but a higher income yield than with government bonds. 这类投资的风险不比股票大,收益又高出政府债券。
Emerging market and fixed-income arbitrage strategies which bet on relative changes in value between bonds have also done well. 新兴市场和固定收入债券套利策略同样表现出色,它们押注于债券价差的相对变化。
The fund objective is to earn a high current income, from a portfolio of high-yielding bonds issued by US and non-US issuers. 这类基金的目标是从美国和非美国发行人发行的高收益债券的投资组合中挣去高额的收益。
Convertible bond are appropriate for investors who want higher income than is available from common stock, together with greater appreciation potential than regular bonds offer. 可转换债券为投资者提供了高于普通股的收入同时又比普通债券有更高升值潜力的投资工具。
Yesterday, the market's best guess at the US inflation rate over the next 10 years, formed by comparing the yields on inflation-protected and fixed-income government bonds, reached 2 per cent. 周二,通过比较通胀保护与固定收益政府债券的收益率,市场对美国未来10年通胀率的最佳猜测为2%。
Commission income derived by city commercial banks from dealing with treasury bonds business shall be counted into current profit and loss, and pay enterprise income tax in accordance with regulations. 城市商业银行因办理国库券业务而取得的手续费收入,应计入当期损益,按规定缴纳企业所得税。
If remittances are a way for tapping into the income stream of the migrants, diaspora bonds are a way for tapping into the considerable wealth of the diaspora overseas. 如果汇款是一种利用移民收入流动的手段,侨民债券就是一种利用海外侨民大量财富的手段。
Commercial banks make most of their income from interest earned on loans and investiments in stocks and bonds. 商业银行主要收入渠道是通过股票和债券形式借贷和投资获得利息。
It stresses that a higher interest rate environment could make traditional fixed income investment, such as high quality government, municipal and corporate bonds, more attractive. 该机构强调,利率上升可能增添传统固定收益投资的吸引力,如优质的政府、市政及企业债券。
Fixed income funds invest in some combination of treasury bills, debentures, bonds, and mortgages. 固定收入基金投资一些国库券、府债券、业债券和抵押证券的组合。
Another way to bet on higher rates is via derivatives and, in recent years, many fixed income investors have used interest rate swaps as an alternative to cash bonds. 另一种利用利率上升套利的方法是通过衍生产品。近年来,许多固定收益产品投资者都利用利率掉期作为现金购买债券的替代方式。
Bond interest income and the proceeds from selling bonds; 债券利息收入及卖出债券所得价款;
No longer satisfied with the income from lending their cash to the US and other governments by buying bonds, these funds want to acquire assets that offer better returns. 这些基金不再满足于通过购买债券借钱给美国和其它政府而获得的收入,而是希望收购那些提供更高回报的资产。
First, fixed income products such as renminbi-denominated bonds are easily accepted by the market. 首先,人民币计价债券等固定收益产品很容易被市场接受。
Sensing the pressure and as a result of tightening bonds spreads some high-yield bond funds in Hong Kong have hard-wired in a provision to maintain dividends by paying investors out of capital rather than from the income received from the underlying bonds. 感受到这种压力,再加上债券息差日益缩小,香港部分高收益债券基金加入一个条款,拟用资本(而不是从标的债券获得的收入)向投资者支付股息。
The holders of convertible bonds have two major rights: firstly, they can receive a fixed cash flow during the term of conversion in that convertible bonds belong to the fixed income bonds; 通常而言,可转换债券持有人拥有两项主要的权利:一是作为固定收益证券,在可转换债券存续期内获得固定的现金流收入;
Constructing the investment income curve of convertible bonds 可转换公司债券投资收益曲线的构造
The arithmetic mean expectation model is not able to measure the income of portfolio investment correctly as bonds are a kind of successive investment, but the geometric average expectation can measure the income of successive investment. 由于证券是一种连续投资,算术平均收益率并不能完全反映投资的收益情况,而几何平均期望收益率才能反映连续投资的实际收益。
This paper analyses the investing value and speculating value of covertible bonds according to the features of their liability contracts and stock call option. Then the investment income curves of convertible bonds are constructed. 从可转换公司债券的债务合约特征和股票看涨期权特征出发,分析了其投资价值和投机价值,从而构造出可转换公司债券的投资收益曲线;
Measurement of Market Risk of Fixed Income Bonds with Value at Risk 用VaR度量固定收益债券的市场风险
Convertible bonds belong to the fixed income bonds and the affiliations of the securities. They are hybrids of the enterprises 'bonds and the stock call option. 可转换债券属于固定收益证券,也是股票衍生产品,是企业债和股票看涨期权的混合证券。
Balanced fund is a mutual fund which focuses on both current income and the growth of long-term value. It distributes assets between stocks and bonds to ensure both safety and profitability of the fund. 平衡型基金是指以既要获得当期收入,又追求基金资产长期增值为投资目标,把资金分散投资于股票和债券,以保证资金的安全性和盈利性的基金。
Institutional investors do not need to pay for the income tax when get the interest of national financial bonds and treasury bill. 机构投资者获得国家发行的金融债券的利息、国库券利息免征企业所得税。
The valuation of the stock by PE and PB, real estate by price to income, bonds by the level of bonds yield and yield curve shape as a reference assessment indicators. 股票的估值以市盈率和市净率作为评价指标,房地产以房价收入比和购租比作为评价指标,债券以收益率水平参考收益率曲线形状来作为评估指标。
This is different with other income of the government, such as the sale of public property or issuing bonds, etc. Tax is for the welfare of the entire taxpayers. 这一点与政府的其他收入大不相同,如出售公共财产或发行公债等等。
In foreign developed countries and regions, in order to meet the needs of the local economy and society, the local government revenue or income of the project can be used as security, by directly issuing bonds financing. 在国外发达国家和地区,地方政府为满足地方经济与社会公共事业发展等公共支出需要,可以使用政府税收或者项目收益作为保障,通过直接发行债券的方式进行融资。
Usually categorized into two types, one called normal bonds, the other called specialized bonds, or income bonds. 通常可分为两种,一种叫一般债券、一种专项债券,又叫收入债券。